Podcast Supporters
We operate our podcasts through exclusively the Value 4 Value model. What this means is that we rely solely on listener support and will never take advertising nor sponsorship money. Value can be provided in many forms; such as telling a friend about an interesting episode, sharing an audio clip via social media or giving direct feedback back to us. We also very much appreciate monetary value to help us pay for our costs and the time/effort we put into making the best shows we can. How can you do this?
If you're in a rush, the quick method can be done with the GetAlby extension or via the PayPal link:
Mere Mortals Wallet: ⚡️meremortalspodcast@getalby.com
Paypal: paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
However our podcasts are also set up to receive Bitcoin payments in real-time over the Lightning Network using compatible Podcasting 2.0 apps. In layman terms, you can send money to us directly in the podcast app you are listening in! Streaming micropayments per minute, boosting a part you enjoyed and even sending in a message with a payment attached (a 'Boostagram') are all possible. My run-through guide and direct links to some of these apps can be found below:
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/show/j1bfwVHlTy5lVlPPiRRX
Podverse: https://podverse.fm/podcast/kSgtytpIs8
Truefans: https://truefans.fm/mere-mortals
Curiocaster: https://curiocaster.com/podcast/pi921030
Earn A Shirt
Every supporter who provides cumulative value back of >100,000 satoshis across the 3 shows will get a Mere Mortals shirt sent to them (with free shipping yay)!

Supporter Ranking
Rank | Total sats | Sender name |
1 | 2251741 | Petar |
2 | 1282851 | Dave Jones |
3 | 1037579 | Mere Mortalites |
4 | 570896 | Chris Fisher |
5 | 455994 | Oscar Merry |
6 | 433950 | Adam Curry |
7 | 297144 | Sam Sethi |
8 | 291737 | Cole McCormick |
9 | 271180 | McIntosh |
10 | 166352 | Chad Farrow |
11 | 150101 | Balderdash Boys |
12 | 100982 | Steven B |
13 | 100000 | Nathaniel |
14 | 90913 | Boobury |
15 | 74966 | Gene Bean |
16 | 59940 | Nick Malster |
17 | 47788 | Myself |
18 | 45000 | Panic Ketchup |
19 | 43473 | Joshua Dennis |
20 | 34490 | Signs Of New Growth |
21 | 32786 | Brando Sellers |
22 | 32108 | The Tone Wrecker |
23 | 31038 | Sir Spencer |
24 | 26534 | Steve Webb |
25 | 24690 | Sircussmedia |
26 | 24644 | Cameron |
27 | 22599 | Johns BRT |
28 | 22276 | Kyle Hebert |
29 | 22222 | Dude |
30 | 20100 | Juan Sebastian G |
31 | 18618 | Sir TJ The Wrathful |
32 | 18392 | mckr |
33 | 16566 | Mitch Downey |
34 | 15642 | Martin Lindeskog |
35 | 14980 | Joey Broadshoulders |
36 | 14116 | Auburn Citadel |
37 | 14009 | Liam F |
38 | 13313 | Sir Lurksalot |
39 | 11628 | Able Kirby |
40 | 11110 | Oysteinberge |
41 | 10999 | Kolomona - Sir Libre |
42 | 10010 | Joe Martin Music |
43 | 9999 | Jason |
44 | 9900 | David Medus |
45 | 9595 | Alwin |
46 | 9535 | Brian Masi |
47 | 8554 | Allen C Paul |
48 | 8333 | Beavenour |
49 | 8200 | Kevin Finn |
50 | 8059 | Ace Ackerman |
51 | 8008 | linkin |
52 | 7900 | Curiousconcept |
53 | 7900 | I Luv Sushi |
54 | 7777 | Gene Everett |
55 | 7332 | Ainsley Costello |
56 | 6530 | Brian of London |
57 | 6421 | Bearded Tek |
58 | 6000 | Dirty Jersey Whore |
59 | 5762 | The Golden Dragon |
60 | 5100 | BitpunkFM |
61 | 5000 | Vojta |
62 | 5000 | Xoresme |
63 | 5000 | Bun |
64 | 5000 | Lavish |
65 | 4970 | Baz |
66 | 4750 | Dave Jackson |
67 | 4321 | Toph4471 |
68 | 4000 | Bitcoin Dad |
69 | 3600 | A Chris You Know |
70 | 3500 | Absurdient |
71 | 3456 | Billy Bon3s |
72 | 3379 | Bug Eyed Storm Trooper |
73 | 3300 | 5th Power Productions |
74 | 3289 | Nullifier |
75 | 2970 | Ashley Glenday |
76 | 2395 | Jake Hider |
77 | 2378 | Deezlaughs |
78 | 2224 | Clewd |
79 | 2222 | Phrillus |
80 | 2121 | Eselsea |
81 | 2112 | Maxawebster |
82 | 2009 | Kri_pto0 |
83 | 2000 | Robert Sasuke |
84 | 1630 | Emcot |
85 | 1555 | Saints And Sats |
86 | 1480 | Ceci1 |
87 | 1386 | Sustainable Clothing |
88 | 1339 | Jordan Harding |
89 | 1337 | Smrtak |
90 | 1234 | Premitive1 |
91 | 1234 | Scott |
92 | 1200 | Rene Knigge |
93 | 1200 | Brian D Oleary |
94 | 1120 | Borsen Gelaber |
95 | 1171 | Franco Solerio |
96 | 1111 | Jen In Indy |
97 | 1111 | James Cridland |
98 | 1111 | Bad Career Advice Chad |
99 | 1020 | Ferrell Jeremy |
100 | 1014 | Rastacalavera |
101 | 1000 | Broadreachmusic |
102 | 1000 | Jimmy V |
103 | 1000 | Whoneedsdollars |
104 | 1000 | Remember J Stark |
105 | 1000 | Steven Crader |
106 | 1000 | Tumbleweed |
107 | 1000 | Joel W |
108 | 986 | Aaron |
109 | 980 | Trevor |
110 | 980 | Kevin Bae |